Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
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Laser Dentistry

Lasers have been used for years in surgical and cosmetic procedures; dentists have been able to utilize laser technology specifically developed for management and treatment of oral tissues for over two decades.

Dental laser technology is a powerful, yet gentle combination of electronics and energy. The laser instrument produces a very narrow, intense beam of light energy that cause a reaction when it comes into contact with soft tissue.

Dr. Hooper uses the dental laser to perform many soft tissue procedures quickly and safely, often with minimal discomfort or bleeding:

  • Removal of inflamed gum tissues and reduce bacteria levels in non-surgical treatment of periodontal (gum) disease.
  • Tissue re-contouring to support smile appearance, improve retention and cleansability in cosmetic and restorative dentistry procedures.
  • Removal of overgrown tissues caused by certain medications, and to expose partially erupted wisdom teeth.
  • Oral biopsy procedures and bleeding control during surgery.
  • Treatment of infection in root canals.
  • Soft tissue management in dental implant procedures.
  • Reduce discomfort of mouth ulcers and cold sores.
  • Treatment of "tongue-tied" (ankyloglossia) conditions in which muscle attachments (lingual frenulum) that limit proper movement are removed.

The precision and speed of lasers in managing oral soft tissues makes them more efficient than many traditional surgical methods, and thus helps improve healing times and increase patient comfort.

Laser technology is an innovative approach to dentistry that has benefited many of our patients. Please Contact Us to learn more about laser dentistry.