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root canalRoot Canals

When the nerve of a tooth becomes infected due to a deep cavity or trauma fracture, Dr. Hooper may recommend treatment with root canal therapy to save the tooth and prevent further infection and pain.

Don't wait until it hurts...

Often, patients are anxious about a root canal procedure, or have heard horror stories from friends and family about root canals. A root canal treatment can be as comfortable as a dental filling procedure; the key is to address the problem before pain and swelling occur.

Root Canal Treatment

During a root canal procedure, a small opening is made in the crown of the tooth so that the infected nerve and tissues can be removed and the roots of the teeth can be disinfected and sealed. Following completion of the root canal, the tooth is restored with a dental crown made of porcelain or metal alloy to protect it from breakage.

Save Your Teeth...

The only alternative to root canal therapy is to extract the tooth; however, once a tooth is missing, the surrounding teeth will shift and move to fill the space. This leads to a poor bite, and can result in fractured teeth or eventual loss of additional teeth.

  • Even though extracting the tooth seems less expensive than a root canal and crown, replacing the missing tooth will require an implant or a bridge, which ultimately will be much more costly.

In some cases, Dr. Hooper may recommend that a root canal specialist, or Endodontist, perform the root canal procedure. He then works closely with the Endodontist to coordinate placement of a dental crown following root canal treatment.

Take care of your smile - don't wait until you have a problem to visit the dentist. Contact us to schedule a thorough checkup today and let us help you maintain your oral health and protect your budget.