Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
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porcelain crowns and bridges
All-Porcelain Crowns & Bridges

The primary goal of cosmetic and restorative dentistry is to rebuild teeth to proper health and function, as well as restore natural smile appearance. When a tooth has become broken down or is lost altogether due to decay, periodontal (gum) disease, or trauma, a crown or bridge may be necessary.

  • A crown covers the tooth to repair it to proper size, shape and strength when there is not enough healthy tooth structure to support a filling.

  • A bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth. A bridge is designed using surrounding teeth to connect to a "false" tooth (or multiple false teeth) to fill the space and provide structural support for biting and chewing.

  • Crowns and bridges can be made of gold, alloys, porcelain or a combination of these materials, depending on the area they are located and the required bite strength.

The Beauty of Porcelain: Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry

Porcelain is an amazing dental restorative material; it is highly translucent to reflect light, producing a permanently white, natural-looking restoration.

All-porcelain crowns or bridges are often used to replace aged dental work and rebuild broken-down teeth when an esthetic result is desired. No metal means no grayed edges!

Planning for Dental Health

As part of your complete dental examination, Dr. Hooper will evaluate the condition of your teeth and bite, along with any existing fillings, crowns or bridges. He will then provide you with recommendations based on your needs and overall goals and help you arrive at a plan to restore health and vibrancy to your smile.

If you are struggling with missing or broken-down teeth, we can help! Contact us to schedule a complete dental examination and consultation with Dr. Hooper.