Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
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Dental Sealants

childrens dentistryProtect those Young Smiles

A dental sealant is a thin plastic film that is painted on the chewing surface of the tooth to seal tiny grooves and help prevent decay-causing bacteria from penetrating the enamel. Dr. Hooper may recommend dental sealants for your child's teeth.

Newly erupted first and second molars often have deep grooves and depressions in the chewing surface that are difficult to impossible to keep clean with brushing and flossing alone. A dental sealant helps to smooth rough chewing surfaces, making it easier to keep them clean.

There is no drilling or numbing required for dental sealants! Dr. Hooper and our Dental Hygienists use a special light to harden the sealant material.

dental sealants for childrens teethSealants have become the cornerstone of our preventive dental care program for protecting children's teeth, and can last for years. Dr. Hooper may also recommend that non-molar teeth have sealants if they have deep grooves, or "pits". And, adults may also benefit from having sealants placed on healthy teeth surfaces to improve resistance to destructive bacteria.

We will check your child's sealants at your regular checkup appointments, and can re-apply the sealant material if necessary.

Prevention is the key to long term dental health. Contact us to learn more about the benefits of dental sealants.